Monday, September 12, 2011

Air; Evaporation & Temperature, Oxygen & Fire

On Wednesday, September 7th, the class met at the Church. They completed the first two experiments of Module #2.

Experiment 2.1 : Evaporation and Temperature
The class used a bulb thermometer, room temperature water and cotton balls to show that as water evaporates, it cools what is around it. We did not see a great deal of change in temperature, but there was a slight change.

Experiment 2.2 : Oxygen and Fire
The class first generated pure oxygen by mixing hydrogen peroxide with yeast, capturing the oxygen with a balloon attached to the top of the bottle where the mixture was held. Then the class lit a candle, put a "reasonably" large jar over it while allowing the oxygen from the balloon seep in under the jar...causing the flame to grow. Again, there was not a huge increase, but just enough. They also observed a much larger scale of the concept on the mp3 cd. Now, that was huge! Lol

Next Wednesday, we discuss the module summary together. See you all then! :)

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